Shelby performs at the Reading, MA Porch Fest 2024

Let me tell y’all about PorchFest…

It was honestly a sloshy mess of rain and having to think fast on our feet by the time we made it over there, but let me tell you- it was AMAZING beyond my expectations! Like unreal! Here’s why:

1. I was struck by the humility and unity of the beautiful people who hosted this event. So honored to be invited and included, guys!

2. The heart and sense of community over competition from band to band- it just like a party of people cheering each other on in their gifts!

3. By the time our slot started at 5, the rain was definitely winning (you could call the crowd who gathered/stayed and braved the yucky weather, the Rainy Remnant ) – it was a gift to worship with them and to also share my original songs.

4. My amazing friends who sang and played with me were the most flexible and fun teammates! We laughed a lot and just did our thing. I’m so grateful for them!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!

5. Did I have to adjust my hopes and expectations about the day? Absolutely. 100%. No question there. The rain was a huge bummer and definitely affected people’s plans, but here’s what I know- God had something else He wanted to show me yesterday. He wanted to show me how holding everything loosely makes for the most beautiful outcome! I met and connected with some of the most genuine and kind-hearted musicians and artists who just wanna make a big deal about Jesus. It was beautiful to be reminded, as the band before me described – we were there for a purpose beyond just music. It was a day to connect with Family and let the Lord set the agenda. Goodness, my soul fought that internally as we had a couple of slight hiccups with gear and, of course, weather. But the bottom line is that PorchFest served as just another reminder of why I love making music about Someone greater than myself, and He’s so tender to continually remind me why I do this! I hope to do more events just like this one, because there’s a richness about it that can’t be manufactured.

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