A short update from Shelby

Hello friends!

Thanks for coming on and continuing to support me! I am currently working on some songwriting this season and cannot wait to get back in the studio to get those released for you all to hear! An upcoming song that I have in the works is about contentment and another about working through insecurity, which I know many of us go through.

I hope that God will continue to bless you all and thank you again for coming on here! Will update as soon as that song gets released!

Show some love and give Shelby a follow!

Latest Releases

“Already Whole”

I hope this song is an encouragement to anyone who needs to hear it. Contentment is such a battle, especially in a visual and digital world of constant comparison and striving…

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For bookings or inquiries, please email slpatterson718@gmail.com
Show some love and give her a follow!